Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of BrainstormingPage

09/03/2007 11:17:48 AM (17 years ago)



  • BrainstormingPage

    v14 v15  
    159159    If confliction occurs, initiator extends the date range,  or some participants remove some dates  from exclusive set, or some participants withdraw  from the meeting, or some participants add some new dates to their preference set. After the solution on confliction, sends memo to all attendees.
     162= Eric's Brainstorming =
     164We will likely want to use fuzzy logic for determining ideal meeting times.
     166== Primary Use Case: Schedule a Meeting ==
     168 1. A ''meeting initiator'' (MI) creates a ''potential meeting'' (PM). It has a duration and schedule date-time range.
     169 1. The MI adds ''important participants'' (IP), ''active participants'' (AP), and ''other potential meeting attendees'' (OPMA) to their respective lists. IP+AP+OPMA are the ''potential meeting attendees'' (PMA).
     170 1. The MI sets who to allow giving preferred times: PMA, IP+AP, IP, or none. If not none, then MI sets timeout.
     171 1. The MI sets who to allow giving preferred locations: IP or none. If not none, then MI sets timeout.
     172 1. The MI sets the timeout for AP to submit equipment requests.
     173 1. The system looks at calendars of PMA and generates a view of the given date-time range with scores of possible meeting times. This would be a nice place to use fuzzy logic. A score would be the number of PMA able to attend a certain meeting time (it could be fuzzy by saying that a member is able attend .95 of the meeting) divided by number of PMA. Meeting times would be sorted based on score. If all scores are < 1, then a conflict has occurred. It is neither a weak nor strong conflict because the ''preference set'' has not been consulted.
     174 1. The system requests preferred times from attendees based on 3. The attendees select from list generated during 6 with a score of 1. When a sufficient number of meeting times do not score a 1, then the top meeting times are provided. For each meeting less than 1 provided, then a list of attendees who did not score a 1 for the meeting is also provided.
     175 1. The system requests needed equipment from AP.
     176 1. When all AP provide (possibly empty) equipment requests, or the timeout occurs, the system computes available rooms based on number of PMA and equipment requests. The system requests room preference of IP from this list.
     177 1. Room and meeting time preferences are used to compute the final meeting time. Highest preference score wins, but may want the ability to give favor to sooner meeting times.